Web Page to BMP Converter is a simple application that can browse any web site and save the web page displayed as a BMP image file. The capturing and saving process could not possibly be any simpler: once the page has loaded completely, the “Save” button activates, allowing you to store a high-quality BMP image of the whole web page.
This is all the program does – no settings, no options, no other utilities are available. It works as a proper web browser, but just with the most basic functionality - that is, previous and next pages, stop, refresh, and home page buttons. The home page is not configurable, and it will be taken automatically from your current browser’s preferences. If you happen to know the URL of the site you want to convert into a BMP file, you can type it or paste it directly into the program’s URL bar. If you do not, you will need to visit your preferred search engine first and navigate from there to the target site. Once you are happy with the page displayed, and once the program has displayed all the elements in the web page (including Flash video, images, etc.), the “Save” button will become visible, thus letting you know that it is ready to save the current page.
The resulting image will be as long as the selected page is, and will faithfully reflect the original layout of the site, regardless of how simple or sophisticated it may be, and of the number and nature of the elements in it. Note that the width of the BMP file will accurately reflect that of the program’s interface - Web Page to BMP Converter will produce a precise snapshot of what you see in it.